Spring 2017, Volume 22

Poetry by Serena Eve Richardson

Sleeping Rust

I see rust while rust is a dream,
eating at metal.
It sleeps under oil
in my cast iron skillet
and my husband’s revolver.
We both battle a kind of
imagined corrosion.

I hear rust while rust waits
to creak in crevices.
It smells like a hot penny
hoarding dust, nothing like
the polish of patina.
Rust is a revelation
I’ve learned to conceal, like
steel wool sopping in a drawer,
ruined by unwanted wetness.




BIO: Serena Eve Richardson is a spoken-word artist and a singer/songwriter. She received her BA with concentration in creative writing from Montclair State University. Her forthcoming album, Some Imaginings, features poetry that has been transitioned into songs. Serena enjoys motorsports and practicing Siljun Dobup, a samurai sword martial art in which she holds a second-degree black belt.